Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Thoughts on Parenthood & Artmaking

***Here is the full text of the video. This is me doing my small part to normalize the idea that parenthood and artmaking can coexist.***

I was listening to an interview with an internationally well-known artist, and their advice to young artists was this: Don’t. Have. Kids.

Of all the gems in the world they could have shared, that’s what they picked? A person with no children telling others not to have children. Completely absurd.

Life will happen to you. You are going to have connections of love and obligation to other people. You may secretly dream of unlimited time alone with your art. But being in isolation is not healthy for you, and it does not feed your artwork. Human connection is necessary to life and to creativity.
Your heart will expand and contract, it will be broken and mend, regardless of whether you’re a parent. You do not control major life events, nor can you avoid them if you are living in this world.

Christa Donner of Cultural ReProducers (links at the bottom) wrote: “Parenthood can be profound and generative. It can also, let’s be honest, be incredibly complicated to pursue a creative career while raising a family. It is also difficult to maintain an artistic practice while coping with a serious health concern, caring for an aging parent, dealing with political oppression, or any of the other situations that intersect our lives as human beings who make art. Yet some of the most powerful art ever made has come from those living in the thick of challenging experiences.”

I would encourage you to please ignore the famous artist’s advice. You can have kids or not. But you can continue to make art either way.

* * * * * * *
I quoted from “Who Cares for Whom? Parenthood in the Creative Community” by Christa Donner, July 18, 2016, published on Cultural ReProducers.org. Her full essay can be found here, and it's excellent -- https://www.culturalreproducers.org/2016/07/who-cares-for-whom-parenthood-in.html

And let me know what you think!


  1. Well-said! Years ago when was holding my toddler and also I was super-pregnant, a local artist without kids told me she was successful because she had chosen not to have kids, and I felt just awful about it; I wondered if I had really blown my chance at having a creative life. Your insight is just what I needed to read this morning, especially this week, as my kids have the flu (!) and I haven't painted anything (or gotten out of my pjs) in a week... Ps. I LOVE your art!! Keep it up!!!

    1. Aw, thanks, Lauren! Hope your kids feel better soon. Most of the artists I know have families. And I don't know about you, but I feel so much more efficient with my time since my kids were born.
