Friday, March 8, 2019

Annmarie's Salon des Refuses show opening

You are invited to an Art Opening tonight at Annmarie Garden!

Annmarie's Salon des Refuses
Modeled after the Parisian Salon of 1862, Annmarie's Salon des Refuses, or 'exhibition of rejects', will include works that have previously been turned down by a gallery or show, or just haven't sold. Let's celebrate rejects, underappreciated, and misunderstood works - and give them another chance at life!  With all works priced under $350, this is a wonderful opportunity to find a fabulous work of art that someone else rejected, but might be perfect for you!  We'll be selling the works off the wall, so you can take the art home to enjoy immediately.  Expect to see works from Southern Maryland artists and beyond!  

Abstract painting by American artist Barb Mowery.

The pieces of art I chose to put in this show are not "rejects." They are 4 nice paintings from my brief, ill-fated love affair with epoxy. If you are familiar with epoxy (as I, at the time, was not), then you already know that these paintings are super-glued into their frames. *Big sigh.*

I have so learned my lesson about using epoxy. But I cannot unframe them without damaging the paintings or the (gorgeous custom maple) frames or both. That made them perfect candidates for this show. The prices have been lowered. I would rather see them hanging on your wall than collecting dust in my storage closet.

Hope you can make it to the show!

Opening Reception
Friday, March 8, 2019, 5-8pm
The reception will include live music, light refreshments, and a cash bar; adults only: $5/person, members free.

March 8 - April 22, 2019
Open daily.

Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center
13480 Dowell Road
Dowell, Maryland 20629
Phone: 410-326-4640

All of my upcoming events are listed HERE.

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