Friday, April 27, 2012

Paint Snow Hill 2012 the short version

Mobile drying system

Best. Paint Snow Hill. Ever.

I write that every year. But this time I really mean it. We had two perfect painting days. Ann registered 70 artists this year. A record 53 paintings sold in the pouring rain Sunday. And 5 of those sold paintings were mine, which was all of my new paintings. I'll type that one more time while pinching myself: I didn't bring any new work home with me.


The fabulous Jess Cross Davis swapped paintings with me after the sale, so I brought home a brand new oil painting of the canoe rental shop. SCORE! And one of the ladies who purchased a painting from me has since been in contact to purchase several more, so I'm painting like a maniac at home. Photos and detailed blathering to come. Tomorrow is Becca's wedding, so it will probably be after the weekend. Meanwhile we're having major water issues at Fig Point, and I'm in a complete tizzy about our landlord's lack of urgency. But I am determined not to say the words "contaminated drinking water" once tomorrow. Becca's special day does not need to be overshadowed with cholera.

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